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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Everyday life

HELP! I have serious motivation problems! And on top of that I seem to fall asleep every time I take out my lecture notes. And convenient enough, of course I wake up just in time for all the great tv-programs…( I should throw that tv out of the window, I did just fine last summer without it) We haven’t had lectures this week at all, cause it’s time for the midterm testS (luckily I don’t have any tests!Yipee!) and I thought I could get some group assignments and reading done, oh well that was a nice dream…

Guess what’s sleeping and talking in Chinese? That’s Outi!! One night I came to our room when Outi was already sleeping and I realised she was talking by herself. So I asked her something and she answered in a language that I have no idea what it was. I kept on talking with her in that deepadapa-language for a couple of minutes!! Every time I said something she replied!! I couldn’t resist taking that on a videotape and Outi had a nice surprise next morning. It seems she always ends up in a video tape while she is sleeping…

During the whole time I’ve been here I haven’t really read any news papers. That was the case before today. I saw one of my flat mates going through a news paper and BANG! I noticed a car, gorgeous, wonderful sports car in one of the pages! And surprisingly I was suddenly very interested in reading. So what did I find out after drooling over pictures of Porsche 911, Aston Martin and SLK? The article was pretty much about women’s vanity… Let me quote” Peacocks have bright shiny feathers, and men? We have Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Porsches “, “At dinner parties, the men who prance around doing their best to entertain women usually watch their dates go home with the bloke who showed up in a Mercedes-Benz SLK”, “In my nine years of writing about cars, I’ve lost count of number of women who have asked me whether I could take them for a spin in a Jag – as well of the number who immediately lost interest when they found out that I couldn’t”. After reading all that, I can’t help but thinking are we (women) really that vain? We do like things that are nice and pretty, but do we appreciate those qualities more than individual’s personality? Oh well, I’m not the right person to answer to that question, I’m way too addicted to cars… =)

Milla is coming here next moth to check out Singapore. Can’t wait that!!! She is studying hard (just like I used to do last year, I mean I was married to my books!!!) and she is anyway a natural genius so maybe she will be able to make me a decent student again…

It’s hard to imagine that there’s snow in Finland right now. Here the coldest thing you can find is my ice cream (which by the way tastes like body lotion!)on the freezer. Well it was sun and sea that I came to find here and that’s what I got! I will see snow every year for the rest of my life, unless I move out of Finland after I graduate like I have planned to do. And if I plan to graduate one day, I should get back to my lecture notes at once! I came here to study and that’s what I will go and try to do right now!


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