But what happened in Bali?
I’m starting to believe there’s a monster living in our mailbox. It must eat all our mail whenever we get some, since the mailbox is always empty! Although there is a one exception. That monster is allergic to Katja’s mail since that girl gets always thousands of letters!! But I guess you’re really not interested of our little monster problem when you can hear about Bali…
Yes, I’m back safe and sound without any surfer guys. Instead I have an empty bank account and a closet full of heavenly surfer clothes! No I’m not addicted to shopping, as a matter of fact; I was the one that bought the least!! And okay, maybe I lied a little about the empty bank account since I would actually really freak out if it would be even close to be empty…Yes, I know, I’m Uncle Scrooge…
Bali can be heaven and hell. The countryside with its rice terraces is just how you imagine paradise to look like. But the towns with over eager salesmen shouting “darling, darling, cheap just for you”, “transportation”, “only a dollar very nice!!!” makes you just to want to run and hide. Since the bomb attack in 2002, just few tourists dare to visit Bali anymore and the locals are trying to make living selling all kinds of crap for tourists.
So what did we do? We went white water rafting, Outi surfed (and almost drowned), I rented a boogie board and got to know the huge waves that way and Annu tested if she could get rabies by letting monkey to bite her. Oh well, of course she didn’t do that on purpose, there was just some psycho monkey in a monkey forest that was jealous at a cute little monkey that was sitting on Annu’s lap eating a banana.
I discovered new sides of myself and for one day I turned into Ace Ventura. We were on a turtle island and I “swam” with sea turtles, shook a bat upside down from its legs, had a huge lizzard on my arms, and some kind of weird staring bird sitting on my arm. Of course this was not enough for me, I wanted more! And while the girls were looking at me terrified, I put a boa snake around my neck. I have no idea why people are so afraid of them. Boa snakes are not slimy or disgusting; they just show you their tong and stare at you like they would want to eat you alive, that’s all!
I’m afraid I’m turning into a man! I talk about cars, I drink beer and now I also kill all the cockroaches for the girls while they are screaming on a chair. Annu and Outi couldn’t have survived without me on Bali, since they can’t stand cockroaches. So every single time somebody came out of the bathroom running and screaming, I walked in sent a cockroach to heaven and made girls very happy.
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